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(zhn)当前的位置 Q? 首页 > 常见问题 > ׃应该Ҏ(gu)塑板的相x(chng)准有一定的?jin)?/a>

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旉Q?022-10-11 09:30:00

       如今Q当Z重徏或装修房子时Q?a href="/protype112068.html" target="_blank">挤塑?/strong>已成Z可或~的建筑材料。挤压板的特Ҏ(gu)外表上有均匀qx(chng)的硬膜,内部有连l均匀的蜂H。因此,它不仅能够保温,q且能够避免湿气和声响。但在购?a href="/product846705.html" target="_blank">挤塑?/strong>之前Q咱们应该对挤塑板的相关标准有一定的?jin)解。咱们应该找出哪些标准的挤塑杉K合׃正在装修的房子,q有哪些标准的挤塑板Q?nbsp;  

Nowadays, when people rebuild or decorate their houses, the extruded board has become an indispensable building material. The extruded board is characterized by a uniform and flat hard film on the surface, and a continuous and uniform honeycomb inside. Therefore, it can not only keep heat, but also prevent moisture and sound. But before we buy extruded boards, we should have a certain understanding of the relevant specifications of extruded boards. We should find out which specifications of extruded boards are suitable for the house we are decorating, and what specifications of extruded boards are there?


       1.一般情况下Q外墙、屋面和室内地板垫均选用挤塑板作Z温板。没有严厉一致的规范Q因为咱们将在装|和使用q程中堵截剩余的部分?2.挤塑板的厚度一般ؓ(f)整数Q一般ؓ(f)2 cm? cm? cmQ但也有一半的标准可用Q例?.5 cm?.5 cm?.5 cm?/p>


1. Generally, extruded boards are used as thermal insulation boards for exterior walls, roofing and indoor floor mats. There is no rigid and uniform specification, because we will cut off the excess during installation and use.

2. The thickness of the extruded board is usually an integer, 2 cm, 3 cm or 5 cm is common, but half of the specifications are also available, such as 2.5 cm, 3.5 cm or 5.5 cm.



2?Flame retardant specifications

According to the relevant documents stipulated by the state, the flame retardant grades of extruded boards are divided into three grades, namely B1, B2 and ordinary extruded boards without any flame retardant. A simple way to judge whether it is flame-retardant Grade B1 is to take a small piece and ignite it. After leaving for two seconds, it is the Grade B1 extruded board that can extinguish itself, and the Grade B2 extruded board that can extinguish after 10 seconds.

       3?色彩标准 挤压板有多种色彩?/p>


3?Color specifications

There are many kinds of colors of extruded boards. In addition to the white of the primary color, there are bright yellow, blue and pink with color masterbatch added.


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